Buena Park Chicago, IL

Walt Disney Magnet School

A perfect mixture of learning-landscaping with colorfull elements that spark imagination

Designed with inclusivity in mind, incorporating features that accommodate children with diverse abilities. Built to include ramps, sensory panels, and other accessible elements

Natural reclaimed materials

The project transformed the school’s unimproved lawn spaces with a cohesive playground that provides structure for recreation for students and neighbors, along with opportunities for outdoor learning. 

The use of color brings a natural and organic feel to the playground, creating a more harmonious connection with the outdoor environment. This can contribute to a calming and pleasant atmosphere for children.

geometric structures often encourage imaginative play. Playhouses, forts, and other features can become spaces for creative scenarios, fostering social interaction and storytelling among children.

In a remarkable feat of collaboration and determination, a breathtaking playground has finally come to life after meticulous planning and tireless efforts by countless workers. Spanning several months, this monumental undertaking stands as a testament to the power of teamwork and the unwavering commitment to providing a haven of joy for a community's children. With every swing, every climb, and every slide, this enchanting oasis serves as a reminder that dreams can be built, and endless adventures can be sparked, through the collective dedication of many. From the first blueprint to the final bolt, the playground's creation has been an extraordinary journey that will empower generations to explore, imagine, and thrive together.

Playfully Innovative

Building a Playground like no other, a place where children can let their imaginations run wild while reconnecting with nature. At the heart of this vibrant space lies a visionary project, born from the fusion of sustainability and creativity. Introducing the groundbreaking initiative of building a playground to Chicago schools. A team of passionate architects, artisans, and environmental enthusiasts join forces to transform the former playground into whimsical structures and playful elements. Each piece of this play space carries a history of its own, a testament to nature's resilience and human ingenuity. Children who step foot into this playground enter a world where sustainability meets joy. They swing, climb, and slide flawlessly crafted structures, instilling a sense of wonder for the environment and a commitment to preserving it. The playground becomes an inspiring spark, igniting curiosity and appreciation for our planet's resources. But this project goes beyond the physical playground itself. It is a testament to the power of storytelling. Their presence showcases the playground's journey and its impact, inviting others to embrace the possibilities of sustainable design. In this tale of creativity and innovation, the message of sustainability resonates. The playground stands as a symbol of hope, urging communities to reimagine how they interact with the world around them. It proves that with a little imagination and a commitment to environmental stewardship, we can create something extraordinary.


Park Manor Elementary School


Paul Revere Elementary School